Photo Album

Sunday, April 21, 2024 was a great day.  We rejoiced at the baptisms of Villane and Mrs. Dlamani.  God is giving the increase.  Praise God!

First Harvest

In February of 2024 the maize crop from the first planting of the agriculture project was harvested.  Due to hot, dry weather it was not up to what was hoped.  We praise God for what has been given.  The crop must dry completely and then be ground into mealie meal, the staple food.

We enjoyed a fellowship meal on July 30, 2023.

Following the meal donated clothing was given away.

our new baptistry was used for the first time March 4th.

We rejoice with Bonakele!

Buried with Christ.

Risen to live a new life!

Year-end services  December 30, 2022-January 1, 2023

Thayer was one of the speakers on Friday afternoon.  His translator is the preacher for the Ngwane Park congregation in Manzini.

Between sessions some of the children enjoyed going into the tent and singing.

It was a joy to worship and fellowship with brothers and sisters from all over the country.

We rejoice with Stephen who was baptized on August 8.  His joy was boundless!

We now have windows and doors in the Timbutini building!  There are also now steps up to the main doors.  We rejoice in this blessing!

Thayer was asked to speak for a special service held at Mliba on May 8, 2022 

The church has purchased this large piece of land and fenced it.  They are meeting in this white tent until they can build a structure.

The ladies have fixed up the tent to look nice.

There was an overflow crowd.  The children were sent to sit on mats at the front.

A large crowd gathered

The youth sang a few songs at the end of the service.

The ladies cooked up a feast!

The many children present represent a great future for the church.

We had a blessed worship service and a great time of fellowship afterward.

The Timbutini congregation collects food to be distributed among needy

families every month.  They call this the "Dorcas" distribution.

Preparing to distribute food

In bags and ready to go.

Fairview Church of Christ, February 6, 2022

The singing was great!

Thayer spoke on Psalm 139

Khonjiwe was his translator

The projector was operated off a battery

similar to an automotive battery with

an inverter.  The building still does not have


We used our new media projector for the first time.  It was a big help for the song service.


The Sunday School group is growing by leaps and bounds.  The children are so happy to be back! 

On March 6th we rejoiced to welcome two new brothers and one new sister into the Timbutini congregation.  Since we do not have our own baptistry, a van was rented to transport the group to the Fairview building in Manzini where the baptisms were held.

The singing before the baptisms was great! 

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